Monday, December 10, 2007

i shan't get knocked down so soon...

heyy, though i was not much sure that i could be able to bugg up one more blog in this sme premises..but i have got another chance.had just got free after giving the exam of HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING. well, it just came in the same pattern as was expected.
it was somewhere rendering in my mind, may be kika could make up in the same examination hall n i ws proved right soon after i checked the sitting list. aahh she ws mere two benches away. koi naa, i could spend my entire life looking at her from that place.

regarding exam,yup it went splendidly good. i'm rather more pumped up about my training. these days are just getting past without much effort. all day went pass studying, dreaming about future. imagining all the beautiful thins that can happen to me, praying god not to make me face the cruel side. nevertheless i'm already facing the crude side of money. its never easy to make bucks. though it may look easier as i was doing days before. i could spend lavishly in delhi with the money i'm gonna get during my internship at reliance energy. all my plans are grounded, they are just paying for my accommodation and food for these six months. then, yesterday i read a dialect with adnan sami in times. i have always been a regular listener to his melodious tunes.

it really helped me a lot to get out of thinking about my already cracked plans. now the penultimate barrier of my graduation is on wednesday. i really don't know how life gonna make fun of me in the near future. here in college, i had friends to guard me from all the adverse times. now being in the centre of hustle-bustle of big city delhi, how i'm gonna cop up. how i'm gonna set my range in the reliance energy. koi naa, have learnt so much in these 20 kiddish years. have seen many levelling up from the deep down to the mountaineering heights.
i think it is rightly said, no one can harm you without your consent. same goes for me too.come on future, i had make u past so many times before too, one more time...wat say..??

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